Demand the State of Nebraska fully-funds public schools!

108th Nebraska Legislature

The 108th Nebraska Legislature, ran by the ruling class, is in special session right now to debate how they're going to raise our sales taxes and cut into public school funding, because the rich don't want to pay for our public schools.

We can have government-funded quality public education, nutritional school meals for our kids, and classrooms provided with all the school supplies that teachers need. Instead, they want to slash funding of public schools and require parents to drive to a store every year buying notebooks and pencils, in the most inefficient way possible, when these things can be bought in bulk by the public schools themselves.

It's all because a few rich people in Nebraska don't want to pay for public education, so they keep rigging the rules in their favor. In Nebraska, an individual making $250,000 a year in income is in the same income tax bracket as an individual making $29,000 a year.

We deserve better. It's time the rich pay what they owe us so we can fund the Nebraska public schools that our kids and our communities deserve.

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To: 108th Nebraska Legislature
From: [Your Name]

I demand that the State of Nebraska fully-funds its public school mandates, and fully-funds the support that students need for them to succeed in our public schools, including free school supplies and free, nutritional breakfast and lunch for public school students. To fund this, I demand that individuals making $250,000 or more, and married couples filing jointly making $500,000 or more in annual income, pay a higher percentage in income tax than individuals making $29,000 or more and married couples filing jointly making $58,000 or more in annual income, without increasing income taxes for individuals making less than $250,000 and married couples filing jointly making less than $500,000.