Denounce Republican Leaders: Striking Down #SaferAtHome Throws Our State Into Chaos

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos

When the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Governor Evers’ Safer At Home Order they ensured chaos.

Wisconsin is now faced with the reality that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue, but we have no statewide plan to keep people safe or keep our economy strong.

Republicans have offered no ideas or solutions of their own to help Wisconsin families, farmers, or small businesses. Instead, they have filed more lawsuits than they have passed bills during this pandemic.

Republicans have proven they do not care about helping Wisconsinites through this pandemic.

Tell Republican leadership that they have failed.

To: Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, denounce your efforts to strike down #SaferAtHome, which has thrown the state into chaos. You own that chaos.