DFPS CWOP Petition

DFPS Leadership

We, the undersigned employees of the Dept. of Family and Protective Services, are calling on elected and appointed officials to immediately address the crisis caused by the large number of children in our care with- out placement. Continuing to have staff work additional shifts to watch children is not sustainable. Until more suitable and safe placements can be found to meet the needs of foster children, we are asking for the following steps to be taken by DFPS leadership:

  1. Immediately start hiring and training staff specifically to monitor children in care and dispense medication, and provide children with therapists and education specialists on site;
  2. Find appropriate space for children to spend the day if they are not in school - not our offices;
  3. Provide law enforcement on site to lower the risks of assaults on children and staff;
  4. Provide Covid testing for all children in care;
  5. Establish consistent statewide protocols that would require a minimum of eight hours off following late night / overnight CWOP shifts;
  6. Support staff efforts to pursue criminal charges when they are physically assaulted
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To: DFPS Leadership
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned employees of the Dept. of Family and Protective Services, are calling on elected and appointed officials to immediately address the crisis caused by the large number of children in our care with- out placement. Continuing to have staff work additional shifts to watch children is not sustainable. Until more suitable and safe placements can be found to meet the needs of foster children, we are asking for the following steps to be taken by DFPS leadership: ​

1. Immediately start hiring and training staff specifically to monitor children in care and dispense medication, and provide children with therapists and education specialists on site;
2. Find appropriate space for children to spend the day if they are not in school - not our offices;
3. Provide law enforcement on site to lower the risks of assaults on children and staff;
4. Provide Covid testing for all children in care;
5. Establish consistent statewide protocols that would require a minimum of eight hours off following late night / overnight CWOP shifts;
6. Support staff efforts to pursue criminal charges when they are physically assaulted