Don’t Let AT&T Outsource More Jobs and Cut Working People’s Pay and Benefits

Randall Stephenson, CEO AT&T

Working people at AT&T’s wireless division are fighting to save good jobs. Not only do company executives want free rein to outsource more jobs—they’ve already outsourced more than 8,000—but they want to force employees to pay more for medical benefits, cut retirement benefits and even reduce employee sick time.

Sign the petition now to tell AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson to demand good jobs for working people at AT&T and an end to outsourcing.

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Washington, DC

To: Randall Stephenson, CEO AT&T
From: [Your Name]

I support good jobs and a fair union contract for working people at AT&T Mobility and across your company. The working people at AT&T Mobility helped AT&T earn record profits last year, yet they have seen their commissions cut and health care costs rise.

You met with President Trump recently and discussed how AT&T can help “stimulate job creation in America,” yet you chose to close more than 20 call centers and eliminate more than 8,000 call center jobs in recent years. Some of that work you sent overseas.

You have also outsourced the majority of your retail stores to low-wage third-party dealers, undermining the standards of your own retail employees. If you care about creating good jobs in America, start with your own company.