Tell the Senate: Don’t let Mitch McConnell block democracy reform

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the U.S. Senate

Mitch McConnell is single-handedly blocking the biggest democracy reform package in decades and overriding what the vast majority of Americans want -- a democracy where we all count. We need your voice to stop him.

McConnell is using his post as Senate Majority Leader to mount a one-man blockade against the For the People Act, a new bill to majorly expand voting rights, put ordinary voters before big money donors, and hold elected officials -- including the President -- to the highest ethical standards.

It’s already passed the House -- and 47 Senators have signed on as co-sponsors. But McConnell says the Senate won’t even give the For the People Act a single hearing.

We can’t let one self-interested, power-hungry politician stand between us and a better democracy. Tell the Senate NOW to demand a fair up-or-down vote on the For the People Act.

This campaign is sponsored by:
California Clean Money Action Fund
Clean Water Action
Common Cause
Citizens for Responsilbility and Ethics in Washington
Daily Kos
MAYDAY America
People for the American Way
Voter Rights Action

To: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the U.S. Senate
From: [Your Name]

Americans demanded -- and deserve -- a democracy that works for all of us. The For the People Act should get a fair up-or-down vote in the Senate.