Don’t let Mitch McConnell kill democracy reform

U.S. Senate

Mitch McConnell is single-handedly trying to kill democracy reform. We need your voice to stop him.

The For the People Act -- recently passed in the House of Representatives -- would majorly expand voting rights, put ordinary voters ahead of big money donors, end gerrymandering, and hold elected officials to the highest ethical standards.

But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is mounting a one-man blockade against it -- and says the Senate won’t even give the For the People Act a vote.

He doesn’t care that our democracy has been corrupted by big money donors and vote-suppressing politicians. He doesn’t care that these nonpartisan solutions are already working in states across the country. And he doesn’t care that Americans overwhelmingly demanded change with their votes last year.

If we want to move real democracy reform, we need to break through Mitch McConnell’s anti-democracy extremism. We need millions of Americans -- and elected officials in both parties -- to publicly condemn his attacks on our values and demand a vote on the For the People Act.

Add your name to tell Mitch McConnell: this is OUR democracy -- and demand a fair up-or-down vote on the For the People Act.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Senate
From: [Your Name]

​Americans demanded -- and deserve -- a democracy that works for all of us. The For the People Act should get a fair up-or-down vote in the Senate.​