Keep Aeronautics Program at the Airport and Protect Evans Campus

CCSF Chancellor Vurdien, CCSF Real Estate Asset Manager Mark Swerling, SFO CEO Jeff Littlefield, and SFO Property Manager Teresa Rivor

The CCSF Aeronautics Department lease at the San Francisco International Airport has expired and the Airport has declined to renew or extend that lease.

CCSF administration is planning to relocate Aeronautics to the CCSF Evans Campus. This move would hurt Aeronautics, Evans, and the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood:

  • It would significantly downgrade the CCSF Aeronautics program, threatening the program’s accreditation from the Federal Aviation Administration.

  • Moving Aeronautics would be expensive for the college, siphoning resources away from other vital programs.

  • Both Aeronautics and Evans offer critical job training programs to local residents. Moving Aeronautics to Evans would downsize or displace the Aeronautics, Automotive, Motorcycle, Construction, Custodial, Welding, City Build, Fashion, and MakerSPHERE programs. And damage educational opportunities for more than 1300, majority black and brown, students.

  • Moving the Aeronautics department to the Evans campus will bring noise, air and potential water pollution to the the Bayview community that consists of primarily Black (26%), Asian, (36%), and Latino(25%) families. District 10 is already designated as one of California's superfund sites, and as a result, residents are currently exposed to more toxins than any other area in the City.

  • Moving Aeronautics to the Bayview would bring running jet and other aircraft engines to the residential Bayview District, creating adverse noise, environmental, and health effects. The noise of the jet engines and riveting would require other workers and students through the building to suffer ear damage or wear earplugs, further interfering with classes and programs.

  • Piston-engined aircraft engines use leaded gas (which was phased out for automobile use in 1984) at the rate of 3grams of tetraethyl lead per gallon. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Exposure, even at low levels, affects children especially, leading to brain damage. The Bayview has the highest proportion of children in San Francisco, 20% of the population is under 14, 36% under 24.

  • The Evans Campus is located in a residential area with elevated pollutant concentrations. Any sensitive use buildings must comply with Health Code Article 38 and an Environmental Evaluation Application could be required for projects that generate additional air pollutants. Expensive and risky underground gasoline storage may be required.

For these reasons, we the undersigned San Francisco residents, CCSF educators, and students petition the Airport and CCSF administration to again meet to discuss allowing Aeronautics to remain at its current airport location or move to another airport location.

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San Francisco, CA

To: CCSF Chancellor Vurdien, CCSF Real Estate Asset Manager Mark Swerling, SFO CEO Jeff Littlefield, and SFO Property Manager Teresa Rivor
From: [Your Name]

The CCSF Aeronautics Department lease at the San Francisco International Airport has expired and the Airport has declined to renew or extend that lease.

CCSF administration is planning to relocate Aeronautics to the CCSF Evans Campus. This move would hurt Aeronautics, Evans, and the Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood:

--It would significantly downgrade the CCSF Aeronautics program, threatening the program’s accreditation from the Federal Aviation Administration.

--Moving Aeronautics would be expensive for the college, siphoning resources away from other vital programs.

--Both Aeronautics and Evans offer critical job training programs to local residents. Moving Aeronautics to Evans would downsize or displace the Aeronautics, Automotive, Motorcycle, Construction, Custodial, Welding, City Build, Fashion, and MakerSPHERE programs. And damage educational opportunities for more than 1300, majority black and brown, students.

--Moving the Aeronautics department to the Evans campus will bring noise, air and potential water pollution to the the Bayview community that consists of primarily Black (26%), Asian, (36%), and Latino(25%) families. District 10 is already designated as one of California's superfund sites, and as a result, residents are currently exposed to more toxins than any other area in the City.

--Moving Aeronautics to the Bayview would bring running jet and other aircraft engines to the residential Bayview District, creating adverse noise, environmental, and health effects. The noise of the jet engines and riveting would require other workers and students through the building to suffer ear damage or wear earplugs, further interfering with classes and programs.

--Piston-engined aircraft engines use leaded gas (which was phased out for automobile use in 1984) at the rate of 3grams of tetraethyl lead per gallon. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Exposure, even at low levels, affects children especially, leading to brain damage. The Bayview has the highest proportion of children in San Francisco, 20% of the population is under 14, 36% under 24.

--The Evans Campus is located in a residential area with elevated pollutant concentrations. Any sensitive use buildings must comply with Health Code Article 38 and an Environmental Evaluation Application could be required for projects that generate additional air pollutants. Expensive and risky underground gasoline storage may be required.

For these reasons, we the undersigned San Francisco residents, CCSF educators, and students petition the Airport and CCSF administration to again meet to discuss allowing Aeronautics to remain at its current airport location or move to another airport location.