Drop the charges against the UCONN-26

University of Connecticut President Radenka Maric

The Community Alliance for Peace and Justice is organizing this petition in support of the civil rights and liberties of the UCONN 26 – courageous students who were arrested on April 30th, 2024 for peacefully protesting against the genocide in Gaza. These students were exercising their fundamental right to freedom of speech and assembly, and were part of a multifaith, multiracial effort to advance peace.

And yet, UCONN President, Radenka Maric called in law-enforcement that responded with violent intimidation and widespread arrests. These students were charged with Class A (criminal trespassing) and Class B (disturbing the peace) misdemeanors.

The University of Connecticut is a public institution funded by taxpayer money where the First Amendment should be sacrosanct. In bringing charges against these students on a technicality regarding tents, President Radenka Maric has exposed her subservience to powerful donors and interests over the UCONN students’ right to free speech.

While many district attorneys around the country, including Alvin Bragg of Manhattan overseeing cases of the Columbia students dropped all charges against the pro-Palestinian protestors, Connecticut Chief State Attorney Griffin has failed to do so.

He is sending a clear message to these students that their right to peaceful protest and assembly will be curtailed and criminalized if they dare to raise their voices against Israel. By not dropping the charges against them, he is actively jeopardizing their future.

As part of our campaign, we are requesting community members to sign their names to the following petition in order to show UConn administration that the community stands with these brave students rather than the officials working to curtail the constitutional rights of all of us to freely and peacefully assemble.

To: University of Connecticut President Radenka Maric
From: [Your Name]

This petition is on behalf of the 26 students and community members who were arrested at the University of Connecticut on April 30th, 2024 during their peaceful encampment in support of Gaza calling for University Administration to do all in their power to immediately drop the pending criminal charges against them.

These students were exercising their fundamental right to freedom of speech and assembly, and were part of a multifaith, multiracial effort to advance peace. And yet, upon your orders, law-enforcement responded with violent intimidation and widespread arrests.

As residents, we are appalled that our taxes pay the salary of an individual who has chosen to criminalize students that have the courage to speak out against the atrocities of the Israeli government. We ask that UConn publicly apologize for the treatment of these students, and publicly call on Chief State Attorney Griffin to drop all charges against them.