Bristol: let's end advertising for climate-wrecking products

The Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees

Bristol City Council has published a new Advertising & Sponsorship Policy that decides what can and can’t be advertised on sites that it controls - including many billboards and bus stops across the city.

We're calling on the Council to show national leadership and end advertising for high carbon products such as:

  • ads for airlines and airports

  • fossil fuel company ads like BP and Shell

  • ads for petrol, diesel and hybrid cars.

We know these products are worsening air pollution and accelerating dangerous climate breakdown. Making low-carbon decisions isn’t easy; and we need to stop advertisers making it harder by glamourising these harmful products.

We welcome the statement in Bristol’s One City Climate Strategy in February 2020 which resolved to:

  • “[Develop] a citywide shared understanding and commitment to responsible consumption (including lower carbon food and reduced flying), which acknowledges the generally lower impact of lower income households; and
  • "[Create] advertising standards and restrictions to support responsible consumption.”

The municipality of Amsterdam recently passed a similar motion on advertising in December 2020. We encourage Bristol Council to become the first UK city to do the same.

This petition follows a full letter that Adblock Bristol sent to the Mayor with additional information, sources and references. It is available here.

Further updates coming soon.

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To: The Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mayor Rees,

Re: advertising for high carbon products in Bristol City Council’s Advertising Policy

It was encouraging to see the resolutions of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 2nd November 2020 to write a new Advertising Policy for council-controlled advertising sites.

We wish to show our support for proposals that Bristol Council’s advertising exclusions should cover the following categories of adverts:

- Airlines and airports: all advertising by airports and airlines which might reasonably be deemed to promote more flying.

- Advertising by fossil fuel companies: We define fossil fuel companies as firms that have over 80% of their investments in coal, oil and gas.

- Cars: exclude all advertising and promotions for petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).

The full version of this letter with additional information, sources and references can be found here: