Bring Real Public Safety to St. Louis!

Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, City of St. Louis Board of Alderman, County Executive Sam Page, and St. Louis County Council and Police Department Board of Police Commissioners

We are outraged by the continued killings by police in our communities. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department remains at the top of the list for most killings by police per population of any major U.S. city police department. In 2021, at least twelve people lost their lives to police violence and our failed systems of public safety. As of May 21st, at least 8 people have already died in 2022 from police violence.

We stand with St. Louis families whose loved ones have been killed by police or died in state custody in demanding:

1. A full, unequivocal ban on the use of no-knock raids, “quick knock” raids, and other forms of militarized policing on St. Louis residents.
2. A full, unequivocal ban on the police use of vehicular chases, which endanger not only the person being chased but the officers doing the chasing and bystanders.
3. Truly independent investigations of killings by police, with real consequences and accountability. Police cannot police themselves!
4. Increased transparency for surviving families on the circumstances of their loved ones’ death.
5. Reparations for families who have lost loved ones to police violence.

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To: Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, City of St. Louis Board of Alderman, County Executive Sam Page, and St. Louis County Council and Police Department Board of Police Commissioners
From: [Your Name]

I am outraged by the continued killings by police in our communities. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department remains at the top of the list for most killings by police per population of any major U.S. city police department. In 2021, at least twelve people lost their lives to police violence and our failed systems of public safety in St. Louis City and County. As of May 21st, at least 8 people have already died in 2022 from police violence in the St. Louis area.

We stand with St. Louis families whose loved ones have been killed by police or died in state custody in demanding:

1. A full, unequivocal ban on the use of no-knock raids, “quick knock” raids, and other forms of militarized policing on St. Louis residents.
2. A full, unequivocal ban on the police use of vehicular chases, which endanger not only the person being chased but the officers doing the chasing and bystanders.
3. Truly independent investigations of killings by police, with real consequences and accountability. Police cannot police themselves!
4. Increased transparency for surviving families on the circumstances of their loved ones’ death.
5. Reparations for families who have lost loved ones to police violence.