End the Tampon Tax, North Carolina

North Carolina Legislature

PERIOD is the largest youth-run NGO in women’s health in the world. We provide and celebrate menstrual hygiene through service, education, and policy — through the global distribution of period products to those in need, and engagement of youth leadership through a nationwide network of campus chapters. In the last three years, we have addressed almost 1 Million periods and have registered over 700 campus chapters at universities and high schools in the United States and abroad.

Petition by
Michela Bedard
Portland, Oregon
Sponsored by
Portland, OR

To: North Carolina Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Each year, North Carolinian menstruators are taxed thousands on tampons and pads. According to North Carolina law, menstrual products are deemed non-essential goods and taxed at 4.75%, with an additional 2-3%, thereby implying that menstrual hygiene is unnecessary -- a luxury. MENSTRUAL HYGIENE IS NOT A PRIVILEGE, IT IS A RIGHT.

For the average consumer, this tax can become burdensome, as menstruators are already expected to pay an average of $60 per year on menstrual products, not including sales tax and other menstrual care expenses.

The Tampon Tax exists in 30 states and remains the only gender-specific tax that exists in the country. Our hope is to eliminate this tax here in North Carolina, which would be a huge step in achieving gender equality and opening up the conversation on menstrual hygiene. As fellow citizens, menstruators and non-menstruators alike, we have the responsibility to note injustice and act upon it. We cannot allow people to pay a luxury tax for a natural bodily function.

We are calling on the North Carolina Legislature to introduce new legislation to exempt menstrual products from sales tax and to make it a reality – we need your help to do so. Our goal is to gather at least 2,500 signatures and place the pressure on our policy makers.

Sign this petition, share it with your friends, and join the Menstrual Movement in creating change for millions of menstruators and demanding systemic change towards gender equality.


All credit to the students and activists leading this movement and pushing for legislative action. Special credit to the #FreeThePeriodCA organization for creating the template for this petition.

1) https://www.womenadvancenc.org/2016/03/07/are-tampons-a-luxury-in-nc-yes/ 2) https://www.taxfreeperiod.com/ 3) https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tampon-tax-petition-for-north-carolina/