Energy Efficiency for All in Iowa

Iowa Utilities Board

Right now, MidAmerican Energy - the largest utility in Iowa, serving over 1 million Iowans - is developing their next 5-year energy efficiency plan. This plan will be reviewed and approved by the state's Iowa Utilities Board in the coming months.

We've seen MidAmerican's initial plan, and it isn't good.

MidAmerican is proposing to slash popular energy efficiency programs.

Why? Because if we use less energy, they make less money.

This is happening because of the disastrous energy bill the legislature passed and Gov. Reynolds signed earlier this year.

MidAmerican and Alliant fought hard for this bill. Not only does it slash popular energy efficiency programs, it also cuts public oversight, threatens 20,000 green energy jobs, and legalizes eminent domain for natural gas pipelines. All for the sake of more money.

And, MidAmerican and Alliant aren’t hurting for profits. By law, they are guaranteed an 11% annual profit. In 2015 and 2016, MidAmerican's profits totaled over $1 BILLION paid for by their ratepayers.

>> While we know programs and policies like energy efficiency, which allows customers to use less energy and save money, are good for all of us and our planet - these corporate monopoly utilities see it as a threat to their business model.

>> While we know locally-owned renewable energy like rooftop solar, which allows energy customers to generate their own energy, is good for all of us and our planet - these corporate monopoly utilities see it as a threat to their bottom line.

Help us stand up to these greedy energy giants and stand up for energy efficiency for all who need it, customer savings, and a 100% clean energy future for Iowa.

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We will deliver signatures to the Iowa Utilities Board about MidAmerican's and Alliant's energy efficiency plans.

Additionally, we're calling for MidAmerican Energy and Alliant Energy to adopt a Pay-As-You-Save program within their new energy efficiency plans, a successful program already working in several states.

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Des Moines, IA

To: Iowa Utilities Board
From: [Your Name]

MidAmerican Energy and Alliant Energy are planning to significantly cut their energy efficiency programs, which benefit all MidAmerican and Alliant customers and keep energy rates low.

MidAmerican and Alliant customers and all Iowans demand these utilities do what is best for customers and adopt an energy efficiency plan that allows all customers to get needed energy efficiency improvements in their residence or business.

One of the most effective energy efficiency programs working in other parts of the country is the Pay As You Save (PAYS) model for energy efficiency. PAYS allows allows all customers to take advantage of the energy efficiency program, even renters. Currently many renters are locked out of Iowa's energy efficiency programs since our current programs only allow property owners to access energy efficiency.

I urge you to support and include the Pay As You Save program in MidAmerican and Alliant Energy's upcoming 5-year energy efficiency plans.