Demand Gov. Greitens Address Missouri’s High Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates

Gov. Eric Greitens

We know the maternal and infant mortality rates are the most telling ways to determine the health of a nation. Despite the United States spending the most on healthcare per capita than any other nation in the world, our maternal and infant mortality rates rank us as the worst of developed nations. When we factor in race, we find that on average Black mothers are 2-4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications, and Black babies are twice as likely to die in their first year of life. Missouri is on par with the national average, and this should be addressed.

Join us and demand Gov Greitens reset his priorities and
address maternal and infant mortality.
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To: Gov. Eric Greitens
From: [Your Name]

Missouri dishes out millions in tax credits to anti-abortion fake clinics. The state diverts millions of federal TANF funds intended to feed hungry children to these unregulated so-called crisis pregnancy centers. Meanwhile, here are neighborhoods in Missouri with an infant mortality rate that is worse than some developing countries, including Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

This is unacceptable.

Gov. Greitens, I call on you to reset your priorities and address Missouri’s high maternal and infant mortality rates.