Urge an Independent Investigation into Ernesto's Death & Immediate Release of Daniel & Aamir! ¡Urge una investigación independiente sobre la muerte de Ernesto y la liberación inmediata de Daniel y Aamir!

New Orleans ICE Field Office; NOLA ICE Field Office Director Mellissa Harper / Oficina de Campo de ICE de Nueva Orleans; Mellissa Harper, directora de la oficina de campo de NOLA ICE

Ernesto Rocha Cuadra was a fierce organizer speaking out for justice and was a advocate for democracy and freedom. His untimely death while detained at the Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center is a tragedy and should be independently investigated.

Daniel and Aamir are two men enduring months-long, dehumanizing abuse inside the ICE detention center in Jena, Louisiana where Ernesto tragically passed. Just like Ernesto, Daniel and Aamir continue to fight for their rights and the rights of others to be respected. Moreover, as two men repeatedly subjected to confinement in the same solitary unit where Ernesto was trapped for much of his time in ICE custody, they are key witnesses to the very conditions that likely contributed to Ernesto's untimely death. They must be immediately freed to protect their lives and well-being.


Ernesto Rocha Cuadra fue un organizador feroz que defendía la justicia y era un defensor de la democracia y la libertad. Su muerte prematura mientras estaba detenido en el Centro de Procesamiento de ICE de Louisiana Central es una tragedia y debe ser investigada de forma independiente.

Daniel y Aamir son dos hombres que soportan abusos deshumanizantes durante meses dentro del centro de detención de ICE en Jena, Louisiana, donde Ernesto falleció trágicamente. Al igual que Ernesto, Daniel y Aamir siguen luchando para que se respeten sus derechos y los de los demás. Además, como dos hombres sometidos repetidamente a confinamiento en la misma unidad solitaria donde Ernesto estuvo atrapado durante gran parte de su tiempo bajo la custodia de ICE, son testigos clave de las mismas condiciones que probablemente contribuyeron a la prematura muerte de Ernesto. Deben ser liberados de inmediato para proteger sus vidas y su bienestar.
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To: New Orleans ICE Field Office; NOLA ICE Field Office Director Mellissa Harper / Oficina de Campo de ICE de Nueva Orleans; Mellissa Harper, directora de la oficina de campo de NOLA ICE
From: [Your Name]

To New Orleans ICE Field Office and Field Office Director Mellissa Harper,

I am writing this to call on you to release Daniel Cortes and Aamir Shaikh, two men currently detained at GEO Group run Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center in Jena, LA. Daniel is a medically vulnerable person and should not be detained in an immigrant jail. He is a loving husband and dedicated father who should be reunited with his family. Aamir is also a medically vulnerable person and his condition continues to deteriorate while subject to detention.

Ernesto Rocha Cuadra was a fierce organizer speaking out for justice and was a advocate for democracy and freedom. His untimely death while detained at the Central Louisiana ICE Processing Center should be independently investigated.

We support Ernesto's family's call for an independent investigation into his untimely death, and for the release of Daniel and Aamir.