Establish Justice, Peace, and Inclusivity to Stop Climate Change

All, especially policy makers

A problem-solving appeal to all policy makers.

To: All, especially policy makers
From: [Your Name]

As for now 24 organizations endorsed the appeal. If you want to endorse as an organization, or you have a question, please send a message to the Facebook or the Linkedin page of Fridays For Future International.

We, the undersigned, wish to emphasize the following:

To eventually reverse climate change, and to prevent socio-economic collapse, we consider these 3 conditions to be indispensable:



We must switch from the current economic system, which concentrates on GDP increases, to a Planetary Survival Economy, which recognizes and respects the UN IPCC scienctific consensus and our science-based planetary limits.

We must greatly reduce energy and resource consumption, through improved technology and better lifestyles. To do that, while also solving poverty, we must create a sharing society. That will require fundamentally changing our socio-economic system.


We need to stop wars and implement expedited global disarmament.

Making point A a reality is impossible while wars continue, because to increase military potential, countries need to increase GDP, meaning that as warfare continues, countries will continue to devastate and exploit natural resources, to attain higher military potential than their adversaries, until the system collapses.

In addition:

- Militarization consumes enormous resources needed to solve the climate crisis (2.4 trillion US dollars in 2023).

- Wars exacerbate climate change-created damage, as people are killed, injured, traumatized, forced to flee, and infrastructure is destroyed.

- The carbon footprint of the military sector without counting emissions from wars, is at least 5.5% from global emissions, but probably more. Wars hurt our environment, via bombs, pollution, and more.

- Wars generate propaganda–creating enemy images, building fences between peoples, and making impossible peaceful cooperation in climate mitigation and adaptation.

- By causing problems in energy supply and increasing fossil fuel prices, wars make countries increase their usage of domestic fossil fuels to ensure energy security, lower energy prices, and get the needed money to cover the holes in national budgets.

- Enormous military spending outpaces revenue, creating inflation, which makes climate spending less popular with many.

- Attention is distracted from the climate crisis to other issues.

All this generally weaken environmental forces in the elections.


We must understand that NO people will implement points A and B against their interests.

The climate crisis endangers the rich not less than the poor. For example, the numbers of victims of COVID-19 in the USA are more than one hundred times higher than in Bhutan, even considering the difference in population size, and this pandemic is probably linked to the ecological crisis. Sea level rise is 3-4 times faster near the eastern coast of North America in comparison to the global average. The weakness of the Gulf Stream increases extreme cold events, mainly in Europe and North America. Because of climate change impacts, insurers are getting out of California and Florida, not other poorer states in the USA.

From the other side, GDP is a war-created measure to account for the overall production, but it does not measure wellbeing. Many causes of unhappiness are currently linked to over consumption, such as overweight, sedentary lifestyles, screen addiction, diabetes, light pollution, noise pollution and more.

To stop climate crisis, we need Justice and Peace. Those are in the interest of everybody, multi-billionaires and low-income people alike. Points A and B will change our world for the betterment of all. Everyone must understand this.


We call on individuals, organizations, and especially policymakers to stop the climate crisis, crucially by creating a just society, stopping wars, and destroying weapons globally, and explaining that this serves the interests of all humans. We are interdependent on each other, and we need to live together in peace and work together to solve the climate problems. We must create a dignified life and equitable society for all on our planet.


24 Organizations, from 11 countries, including 4 scientific, endorsed this appeal:

Fridays For Future International - Map+Slack+Facebook+Linkedin group.

Vegan Generation for Biodiversity

Fridays For Future - Fayetteville, NC

Fridays For Future - Sierra Leone

Fridays For Future Tunisia

Extinction Rebellion Tunisia

Green Warriors Tunis (Tunisia)

Youth For Future Bangladesh

Fridays For Future Manitoba (Canada)

Vegans For Future

Fridays For Future Helsinki

Fridays For Future Cameroon

Fridays For Future Wichita

Scientist Rebellion Global

Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island (USA and Canada)

Scientist Rebellion India

Scientist Rebellion Peru


Fridays For Future Mumbai

City Tree

Rabbis for Human Rights


Liga Portuguesa dos Direitos do Animal

Associação Evoluir Oeiras

58 academic scientists have signed so far, including 15 with Master's degrees, 1 Engineer, and 16 PhDs. 1 Deacon has also signed.


Tori Tsui:

A Master of Research in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. A Bristol-based climate activist, speaker and consultant from Hong Kong. She is the co-founder of the space Bad Activist Collective and a member of the climate coalition Unite For Climate Action. Prior to this she sailed across the Atlantic with the think tank Sail to the COP, she was sponsored by Stella McCartney after being named an agent of change. Alongside organising, she is an advisory board member of the Earth Percent group , Climate Resilience Project and a strategist with Hero Circle.

Aruba Faruque:

Climate and Environmental Activist, Ambassador, Petitioner, School Student, Climate Advocacy Champion.

Janine O'Keeffe:

A candidate to the European Parliament in 2024 elections and co-founder of Fridays For Future. Bacheolor of Engineering, Masters of Business Administration.

Rishadul Alam:

The founder of Youth For Future Bangladesh, a youth Parliamentarian of Bangladesh Generation Parliament. Climate Activist And Child Rights Advocate.

Ken Swedenborg:

The chairman of the Healthcare party in the municipality of Ludvika, Sweden.

Geethika Venkatesan:

International Young Climate and Environmental Activist & Global Climate Awareness Campaigner from India.

Roseline Isata Mansaray:

Founder of Fridays For Future Sierra Leone. Bachelor degree in business administration major in accounting and finance.

François Kamate:

The founder of Extinction Rebellion Rutshuru, Democratic Republic of Congo and Amani Institute ASBL

David Spence:

Doctor of Medicine, Master of Public Health. Member of the advisory board of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Arizona.

Stefan Sommer:

Professor, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biology, Master of Science Zoology, Bachelor of Science Conservation of Natural Resources. A community ecology, sustainability, climate change, and education specialist. An affiliate of the Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes and the Department of Biological Sciences. A founding board member of Northern Arizona University’s Sustainable Ambassadors Program and part of the board of directors of the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance. A hired consultant on the development of Flagstaff’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. His public presentations on climate change and sustainability have reached tens of thousands of citizens across northern Arizona and beyond. The executive producer of four award-winning documentaries on biodiversity and habitat conservation, which aired on US PBS television. A laureat of the Sustainability Leadership Faculty Award.

Alan J. Singer:

Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology Degrees Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Biology, Master of Science, Bachelor of Arts 1971, director of social studies education programs. Served as editor of Social Science Docket, a joint publication of the New York and New Jersey Councils for the Social Studies. The author of Teaching Climate History (Routledge, 2022), Teaching Global History (Routledge, 2nd edition, 2020), New York and Slavery: Time to Teach the Truth (SUNY Press, Excelsior Editions, 2008), Education Flashpoints, Fighting for America's Schools (Routledge 2014), Social Studies for Secondary Schools (Routledge, 4th edition, 20015), New York's Grand Emancipation Jubilee (SUNY Press, 2018) and editor of a 268-page secondary school curriculum guide, New York and Slavery: Complicity and Resistance. The co-author with Hofstra University alumni Pablo Muriel of Supporting Civics Education with Student Activism (Routledge, 2021). Laureat of the Mark Rothman Teacher Mentoring Award, the New York State Council for the Social Studies 2016 Social Studies Educator of the Year. He has twice been selected as a Hofstra University "Teacher of the Year."

Jon Lake:

The founder of green TV.

Betsy Rosenberg:

A familiar voice at CBS; first at KCBS in San Francisco where she reported and anchored local news, and then later covering national and world news as a network anchor. The recipient of more than a dozen broadcast journalism awards.
Heard on more than 400 CBS Radio affiliates across the country Betsy wrote and anchored hourly updates covering the latest national and international news. Co-founder of Green TV. On Earth Day she launched Trash Talk – Sound Solutions for a Healthier Planet and People, offering waste reduction tips on KCBS. In 2004 TrashTalk expanded to an hour-long interview format, becoming EcoTalk, the nation’s first syndicated sustainability show on commercial radio, breaking new ground as the only such program to offered in a prime-time daily slot. EcoTalk was heard on 40 Air America stations across the country. In 2009 she launched The Green Front on, and later on PRN, The Progressive Radio Network. A continual participant in leading environmental events and climate, energy, and sustainability conferences. A chapter contributor to “Climate Abandoned — We’re on the Endangered List”. Has created several eco-awareness campaigns, including Don’t Be Fueled! – Mothers For Clean and Safe Vehicles, a “GASroots” campaign launched in 2002 aimed at increasing supply and demand for more fuel-efficient vehicles. Over 1,500 radio shows and segments are now available on her site.

Four Arrows ( wahinkpe Topa) aka Don Trent Jacobs:

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education, Professor of American Indian Studies. Physicist. He is recipient of a number of recognitions including the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize, the Right Livelihood Award, the Moral Courage Award. With doctorates in health psychology and in Curriculum and Instruction (with a cognate in Indigenous Worldview). Author of 24 books and numerous chapters, articles, publications, peer-reviewed papers, and keynotes and the subject of a book by R.M. Fisher entitled "Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows: A True Story of an Indigenous Based Social Transformer". He is internationally known for his work in cognitive anthropology ( worldview studies), critical theory and wellness, education and Indigenous worldview. His work provides a path to the future, a path of peace, with signposts from Indigenous world views that recognize that we are interconnected and are all members of one Earth family. He is core faculty at Antioch University’s online Ed.D. in Educational and Professional Practice. He is nominated for the 2024 Grawemeyer Award in Psychology. In 2018, The Chicago Wisdom Project, selected his book, "Teaching Truly A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education", as one of the top twenty education books of all time. He was formerly tenured Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University. His publications, were praised by a number of notable thinkers, including John Pilger, Greg Cajete, Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartman, Henry Giroux, Sam Keen, Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Vine Deloris, Jr. and many others. AERO elected him as one of 27 visionaries for their text, Turning Points. He is involved creating the first No Take Zone Marine Park on the Costalegre in Mexico. He is a popular and thought-provoking keynoter and has presented on various topics in Australia, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, South Korea, and Japan. He is on the Fulbright list of International Scholars.

Michael Meeropol:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economics. Professor Emeritus and former chair of department at Western New England University. Co-author of a textbook, "Principles Of Macroeconomics: Activist vs. austerity policies". For eighteen years, he has commented on economics and politics for the Albany, NY NPR station.

Jeremy Arusi:

Coordinateur in "International city of peace", Liaison coordinator 'Global trees Initiative," Chief Executive Officer in "NEW HOPE FOR POOR", Coordinator in "UTEJM asbl Goma".

Alon Eliran:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in environmental studies. Research interests: Remote sensing of soil moisture; Urban ecology. Co-grower of CityTree, living centre for deep ecology and climate resilience, and Citizen forum for urban nature and environment. Founder, member and consultant of urban community- and ecological gardens. Urban foraging expert. Environmental activist (in a wide sense).

Henric Pelling:

Child psychiatrist and chief physician at the Department of Child Psychiatry, Uppsala University Hospital. Get the award of the association for development issues (FUF) in 2006 for helping childrens with special needs and disabilities in The Gaza Strip.

Mary Zoeter:

She founded and led Action for Animals Network group in Alexandria, Virginia, in the USA, for many years. A member of Phi Beta Kappa.

Andrei Danilov:

Managing Director of the Foundation of Sami heritage and development, ancient Vice President of the Saami Council.

Michael Winter:

One of the participants of the 92 days long Starving for Honesty climate hunger strike, Berlin, Germany. A Biologist from Bavaria, Germany.

Amen Azoon:

Founder of the Green Warriers club. Climate activist, member of Youth for Climate Tunisia and of Fridays For Future.

Jane Njugunah:

Campus Director for Millennium Fellowship 2023 ( MCN and UNAI). A SDG Youth Advocate, working in International relations and Diplomacy. Part of YOUNGO Global Coordination Team and Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP. Part of the 16th Cohort of the Climate Governance, Diplomacy, and Negotiations Leadership Program by the African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES) .

Bernadette Rodgers:

Board chaire in the Board of Directors of SustainUs -US youth for Justice and Sustainabily. A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Astronomer who spent 12 years working at an International observatory in Chile before moving to Portland, Oregon. She currently teaches astronomy, physics and natural science at Portland State University and Portland Community College, and volunteers with the Portland chapters of 350, Extinction Rebellion and Climate Reality. She led the board of 350PDX through its formative years and helped establish it as a powerful voice for climate justice in the Pacific Northwest. She is fortunate to have called many places on this beautiful planet home, and honors the indigenous ethic to recognize and value the interconnectedness of all life.

Michelle Merrill:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The founder and community organizer for Novasutras, an eco-spiritual gathering space for consciously reawaken our deepest sense of the living world to work through our grief, reclaim our joy, grow trusted relationships, and take meaningful action. An award-winning expert in international sustainability, teaching and learning, with a diverse background in systems and complexity, biologically-inspired design, evolution and ecology. A published author and editor, a respected educator, and accomplished international speaker. Have been a member of an international team conducting research on educating for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (through, and the International Sustainability Advisor / US Operations Manager for In3Finance.

Shuaib Shuaib Musa:

A global youth ambassador for Sustainability Development Goals, a development expert, Humanitarian Think Tank, international consultant and trainer. He is a young professional and social scientist, innovator, researcher, and social entrepreneur. A member of We Make Change International, IDinsight as a Research Officer,. He was a Climate Leadership Fellow ; Al-Sharq Climate Youth Fellow; One Young World Fellow ; Mandela Washington Fellow, and UN SDSN fellow. He has represented Youth and his Country in various International Conferences and Forums such as "World Youth Forum Egypt 2022 ; Kazan Youth Capital Summit Russia Federation 2022 ; 5th Diplomacy Academy, Turkey 2022; Misk Global Youth Forum Saudi Arabia 2022 and Model United Nations Summit Turkey 2019. He has won various prestigious Ambassadorial Award professionally and excellence. He has practical experiences in Project Proposal writing mainly for institutional donors ( EU, UN agencies, USAID, DFATD, GAC, Swedish International Development Agency, German Foreign Federal Office ).

Ana Matos:

An Associated Professor, one of the organizers of "Parents For Future Portugal".

Kristin Kusanovich:

In 2019 she founded the biennial and interdisciplinary tUrn Climate Crisis Awareness & Action week that is held in-person at SCU and online around the world featuring BIPOC climate leaders and free talks on science, engineering, the humanities, business and intercultural art works that inspire climate activism and environmental justice. Several CDEA dance leaders in CA have presented at tUrn! Received her BA from Santa Clara University where she studied Theatre, Dance and Mathematics, and her MFA from NYU Tisch School of the Arts in Dance Performance & Choreography. As Artistic Director of Kusanovich Dance Theatre of Minneapolis and Kusanovich Dance San Francisco, she produced and choreographed over one hundred artistic works for the concert stage in dance, theatre, musical theatre, opera and film. Most recently she co-directed a theatrical installation at SCU, performed solo dances with the Bill Stevens jazz trio, choreographed Man of La Mancha at SJ Playhouse and premiered a work with permission of UCLA-faculty composer James Newton. She is a Senior Lecturer in Theatre & Dance and Child Studies at SCU, teaching courses on theatre production, modern/contemporary dance, pedagogy, composition, children/creativity/society, and the business of the arts. Kristin is a published author of multiple journal articles and a co-authored book in transdisciplinary critical arts-based research methods, and has presented at peer-reviewed conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada. She has taught standards-based, non-competitive, curricular development and pedagogical methods in kinesthetic learning to teachers and in settings from P-22, been a guest artist in 30+ public schools, and currently directs a small children’s creative dance program in San Jose, k2dance.


About the need to change the socio-economic system:

About GDP and military potential:

About military spendings in 2023:

About the carbon footprint of military and wars:

About the impacts of wars on climate action:

About number of COVID-19 victims in the USA:

About number of COVID-19 victims in the Bhutan:

About the link between the ecological crisis and COVID-19:

About sea level rise near the eastern coast of the USA:

About Gulfstream:

About insurers in Florida and California:

GDP a war created measure for production but not for wellbeing: