Expanding Abortion Access in Wisconsin

Wisconsin State Assembly and Wisconsin State Senate

Photo of people marching in support of abortion access, carrying banners and signs, in Milwaukee

The people of Wisconsin deserve agency over their reproductive choices and access to the full spectrum of healthcare. Abortion is healthcare, but State Statute 940.15 bans abortion after viability and creates medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion. Once 940.15 is re-enacted, this petition is aimed to gather community support for slashing restrictions and expanding access to abortion services for the people of Wisconsin. These demands being met would allow for people in need of care to have faster access, resulting in saving lives and the ability to have full bodily autonomy, not only for Wisconsin but for surrounding states without abortion access.

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To: Wisconsin State Assembly and Wisconsin State Senate
From: [Your Name]

Whereas State Statute 940.04 is overturned, and State Statute 940.15 bans abortion after viability (as determined by physician), requires mandatory in-person consultation, 24-hour mandatory waiting period, and bans telemedicine consultations for abortion care. We the undersigned call for Abortion access on demand, no mandatory waiting periods, access to telemedicine consultations, and rural access to abortion.