Expose Sec. Ross’s Census “citizenship question” lies

U.S. House Ways and Means Committee

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross’ lies are putting our democracy in jeopardy.

Sec. Ross has been spearheading the push for an unnecessary, untested, and blatantly racist citizenship question on the 2020 Census. He’s claimed under oath that the Department of Justice (DOJ) insisted this question be added -- even as Census experts warned it will unfairly skew the count.

But now, there’s proof Ross wasn’t telling us the truth. Newly released emails show Ross repeatedly requesting cover from the DOJ to add a citizenship question -- even over the DOJ’s objections that they had no interest in that information.

That’s right -- Wilbur Ross pushed the Trump Administration’s effort to rig the Census all along -- over the objections of experts and his staff. Now, he’s been caught lying to cover his tracks.

A citizenship question will discourage millions of people from filling out the census form, especially immigrants, people of color, and other undercounted populations.

The Census is supposed to count everyone who lives here regardless of citizenship status -- and asking about citizenship in this charged political climate will intimidate many legitimate responses. That will skew the final results and cut off many communities from federal resources and political representation.

Ross knows this -- and is using it to his advantage. He has blatantly abused his power as Commerce Secretary -- and he lied to Congress to avoid accountability. Now that we know Ross’s stated rationale for a citizenship question wasn’t true -- he needs to tell us the real reason he pushed so hard to add it.

Congress must launch an investigation into Ross’ conduct and comments immediately -- and hold him accountable for his actions.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. House Ways and Means Committee
From: [Your Name]

Newly released emails reveal that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross lied under oath about his role in adding a dangerous question about citizenship status to the 2020 Census survey. The House Ways and Means Committee must investigate his actions and hold him accountable.