Extend Harvard Custodial Staff's Collective Bargaining Agreement

Harvard University

The covid-19 pandemic has underscored and amplified the essential nature of the work Harvard janitors do on campus. Both are invaluable to the effort to meet the high sanitation required to keep the Harvard community healthy and safe.

The collective bargaining agreement which governs the conditions of employment for Harvard's 1,000 custodial and janitorial staff is due to expire this November. Bargaining for a new contract under the present conditions is likely to compromise the health, safety, and well-being of these community members.

To ensure that their hard work continues to be valued through good jobs with just wages, healthcare, and safe working conditions, Harvard should extend this collective bargaining agreement for an additional year, with an increase in wages proportional to the annual raise contemplated in the existing contract.

The undersigned Harvard students stand in solidarity with these essential workers and demand that their working conditions reflect the invaluable services they provide to the campus community. We stand united in our goal to secure a fair and timely agreement that provides for the stability which Harvard community members deserve.

Add your voice to the petition below!

To: Harvard University
From: [Your Name]

The covid-19 pandemic has underscored and amplified the essential nature of the work Harvard janitors and security workers do on campus. Both are invaluable to the effort to meet the high sanitation and security standards required to keep the Harvard community healthy and safe.

The collective bargaining agreement which governs the conditions of employment for Harvard's 1,000 custodial and janitorial staff is due to expire this November. Bargaining for a new contract under the present conditions is likely to compromise the health, safety, and well-being of these community members.

To ensure that their hard work continues to be valued through good jobs with just wages, healthcare, and safe working conditions, Harvard should extend this collective bargaining agreement for an additional year, with an increase in wages proportional to the annual raise contemplated in the existing contract.

The undersigned Harvard students stand in solidarity with these essential workers and demand that their working conditions reflect the invaluable services they provide to the campus community. We stand united in our goal to secure a fair and timely agreement that provides for the stability which Harvard community members deserve.