Extend Singapore Chinese Culture Week to a month

Singapore Chinese Culture Week Organizer

I, the undersigned, would like to urge the committee to please consider extending the Singapore Chinese Culture Week to a month.

To be held from September 9 to 13, the event will feature a host of activities like Chinese photography, lion dance Singapore styles, calligraphy and other exhibits. However, while being immersed in Chinese lion dance Singapore and art as well as fashion is thrilling, doing so in just five days is simply not enough.

I would like to call on the committee to consider an extension to one month, so that visitors both locals and foreign would be able to properly immerse themselves in lion dance Singapore, Chinese fashion, food and other subjects of interest. The committee's kind thought and action is appreciated.

The undersigned,

Sarah Lee

- blogger for lion dance Singapore

Petition by
Sarah Lee
Los Angeles, California

To: Singapore Chinese Culture Week Organizer
From: [Your Name]

Petition to Singapore Chinese Cultural Week Organizer to Extend The Event To A Month