Extend the opening hours for Museum Gardens

City of York Council and York Museums Trust

York Greens, and Green Party Co-Leader Carla Denyer in Museum Gardens
York Greens and Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer in Museum Gardens

York Museum Gardens are a beautiful and much appreciated resource, which the city is rightly proud of. They are used by visitors and by York residents including those who live and/or work in the city centre, but currently opening times are limited to 9am - 6pm even in summertime. City centre residents in particular (but also visitors staying in the centre and others) would like to benefit from access to this key area of local green space before the start of working hours, on the way to work and school and during summer evenings. The evidence is clear and accepted that access to nature and green spaces supports better health and well being including mental health.

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To: City of York Council and York Museums Trust
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, call on City of York Council and York Museums Trust to find a way of extending the opening times of Museum Gardens to enable access to and through the Gardens from earlier in the morning until later in the evening, particularly in the summer months (if necessary working with other city partners).