Fair Pay in SA Today!

City of San Antonio

The City of San Antonio recently included some of our Fair Pay package priorities when they unveiled the budget priorities. It’s clear: when we stand together, we have a voice! However, our work is not done. While we have had major wins for city employees — such as freezing health care premiums, expanded access to mental health services, an entry-level minimum set to $18 per hour, and improvements that address wage compression to reward seniority — we still need mayor and council to vote to approve this pay package. They want to hear from us. Sign below to keep the momentum going for Fair Pay in SA!

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To: City of San Antonio
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned San Antonio city employees, hereby stand in 100% support of the following AFSCME Local 2021 budget proposals.

1. Fix the wage compression issue. Make sure we are adequately paid for our years of service and reinstate our step pay plan system.

2. Provide a cost of living adjustment increase. It should be comparable to what police and firefighters will receive in their contract. We are all city employees, and the budget priorities should reflect that.

3. Freeze our health insurance cost. We cannot afford to pay more out of our pockets.

The City of San Antonio must recognize that we put in the hard work to make all city services run effectively. We proudly serve the city as service and maintenance employees, clerical employees, professionals, skilled craft employees, health care workers, educators, and librarians. We keep our streets clean, we pick up the trash daily, and we repair potholes regardless of the weather. We provide various professional services to the citizens of San Antonio. We analyze budgets, take calls, oversee legal issues, provide resources for our senior citizens, and assist the general public with their concerns. We serve students and we make sure all our parks are maintained for our community. After all, we live here too, and we enjoy our work here, but we also need to ensure that we are adequately paid for the work we do. For these reasons, we hereby request you adopt the AFSCME proposals above.