Make Our Fares Fair!

Allegheny County Port Authority's Board of Directors

These three fare policies will make a more equitable, high-performing transit system

If you agree, sign on to our petition and get involved.

Next steps:

  • Join PPT Monthly Meeting - November 14th, 6pm social // 7pm meeting, US Steelworkers Building, 60 Blvd of the Allies
  • Attend Make Our Fares Fair Press Conference + Rally + Petition Presentation to Port Authority Board - December 7th, 8:30am, 345 Sixth Ave. Downtown
  • Volunteer with the campaign:

Why we need greater fare equity:

Low-income riders shouldn't have to pay more for transit just because they're unable to access CONNECT Card machines or hand over the full price of a bus pass at the start of a month. Here's more on why the Port Authority's current fare system does not treat all riders equally and why it needs to change. Sign this petition to spark change and work with PPT, Just Harvest, and our allies to create a more equitable transit system in Allegheny County.

Cash vs CONNECT Card
CONNECT Card users pay $2.50 for a single ride while riders who use cash pay $2.75 for a single ride—but it’s in the transfer fees that the costs really add up fast...

High Transfer Costs
...Cash users pay $2.75 fare for each transfer. CONNECT users who put cash on their card pay $1 for a first transfer, then $2.50 for any other transfers. Multiple transfers are often needed.

Inaccessible Vendors
CONNECT Card machines and vendors are far less accessible outside Pittsburgh where lower income residents depend on public transit to get to work and all other basic needs.

Highest Fares
Port Authority fares, adjusted for median income, are among the highest in the nation—higher than NYC, Baltimore, Philadelphia— with rates raising much faster than inflation.

Single Use vs Passes
Many low-income people can’t afford to pay $25 up front for a weekly pass or $97.50 for a monthly pass. They may end up paying significantly more than that in single use rides.
A Top Expense
For many Allegheny County households, transportation costs exceed the cost of housing. Transit fares in Pittsburgh consume nearly 35% of the hourly minimum wage.

Petition by
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Pittsburgh, PA

To: Allegheny County Port Authority's Board of Directors
From: [Your Name]

Make our Fares Fair!

Low-income riders shouldn't have to pay more for transit just because they're unable to access CONNECT Card machines or hand over the full price of a bus pass at the start of a month. We call on the Port Authority to take the following steps to build a more equitable, efficient transit system:

1. Reduce cash fares to $2.50, to match CONNECT Card fares

2. Make all transfers free

3. Implement fare capping (CONNECT card automatically converts to a weekly/monthly/yearly pass when the cost of the pass is paid in single uses)

These three simple policies that the Port Authority Board of Directors and enact NOW to create a more equitable transit system.