Fitness for Free: A proactive approach to mental wellbeing

the Honourable the Members of the House of Assembly in Parliament Assembled

Young people in South Australia are calling on the South Australian Government to give high school students free access to pools, gyms, leisure centres and fitness classes to support their mental wellbeing.

We know that there are proven links between physical activity, social connection, and good mental health. Getting active and interacting with others helps young people to maintain good mental health and manage mental illnesses, particularly depression and anxiety, which are becoming more prevalent amongst young people. The wellbeing of young people should be a priority for every level of government.

Unfortunately for many young people, the cost of regularly attending facilities such as pools, gyms and fitness classes is prohibitive. Every young person deserves access to spaces to be physically and socially active, regardless of their financial situation or location.

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and much more needs to be done to support young people dealing with a wide range of mental health challenges. However, removing this cost barrier is one proactive, rather than reactive, step that governments and businesses can take to genuinely support the wellbeing of the young people in their communities.

Show your support!
Sign the petition to call for the South Australian Government to fund free access to leisure centres and fitness classes for high school students.

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To: the Honourable the Members of the House of Assembly in Parliament Assembled
From: [Your Name]

Your petitioners request that your Honourable House will urge the Government to fund free access to gyms, pools, leisure centres and fitness classes for students.

Physical activity and social interaction are strongly connected to good mental health, and can help young people to manage the stress of balancing their school, work and personal life.

Unfortunately for many young people, the cost of regularly attending facilities such as pools, gyms and fitness classes is prohibitive. Every young person deserves access to spaces to be physically and socially active, regardless of their financial situation or location. Removing this cost barrier is one proactive, rather than reactive, step that governments and businesses can take to genuinely support the wellbeing of the young people in their communities.