Fix the Montgomery County Telework Program

Montgomery County Government

In 2021 MCGEO negotiated one of the strongest telework agreements in the nation, but workplace protections are useless unless they are enforced. Your department may be OK, but many departments are not implementing telework properly. There are unreasonable limitations and management has made the appeal process cumbersome and ineffective. Employees have been lied to and pressured to give up their rights. The ability of MCGEO to enforce the agreement and correct problems has been limited by the individual nature of the application process, management recalcitrance and the high cost of arbitration. You probably also know that many managers were unreasonably called back into the workplace three days a week last September. That's bad for the environment, managers and the workplace, but some councilmembers want everyone back to help businesses. The quote below references the Department of Permitting Services (DPS), but your department could be next.

“There was a promise that we were going to have employees being in [County offices in Wheaton] and spending money in our local restaurants. I’m finding out that DPS is one of those departments in [Wheaton] where most people are just teleworking. ... I need more people from DPS in the building. … Because I have a promise for my district residents who were promised that businesses in Wheaton [will] have more people coming in.” Councilmember Natali Fani-Gonzalez

Renegotiating the 2021 Telework Agreement is not the answer. It is already as strong as it can be.  The problem is the way the County is implementing the existing agreement. The best way to address this is through cooperative discussions with management. The ideal venue is the Work-Life Balance and Green Initiatives LMRC (Green LMRC). The Green LMRC is made up of MCGEO members and management representatives who collaborate to make recommendations to the CAO and other County leaders.

The Green LMRC was discussing improvements to the telework program, but has stopped meeting. To resume discussions, we need to demonstrate that telework is important. I am asking you to sign a petition requesting improvements to the telework program. By signing this petition, you will provide the support we need to effect important change for all of us. Please, if you believe in telework, sign this petition right now so we can increase access to telework and protect your rights.


Mark Sommerfield
MCGEO Shop Steward – UFCW Local 1994
Department of Environmental Protection
Montgomery County, Maryland
240-328-8258 Cell

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To: Montgomery County Government
From: [Your Name]

We, the employees of Montgomery County, believe the County has not fully lived up to its commitments under the collectively bargained 2021 Telework Agreement. Telework has been unnecessarily limited. The appeal process is slow and ineffective. Employees have been pressured to forego appeals and accept inferior telework arrangements. The ability of MCGEO to advocate for employees on telework is unduly limited. Consequently, we insist the County address our concerns by engaging in serious discussions with employee representatives on the Work-Life Balance and Green Initiatives LMRC. Improvements must include the following:

1. Telework should not be limited without good cause. Employees must not be pressured into accepting inferior telework arrangements.
2. Departments must stop denying telework based on nonexistent customers. Technological approaches to serving walk-in customers must be explored.
3. The union must have the ability to represent groups of employees who request help and confidentially assist those who fear retaliation.
4. The telework appeals process must be swift and effective. Employees must be allowed to telework while appealing. Departments must implement mediation panel recommendations.
5. Software and equipment must be provided to permit effective telework.
6. Some employees utilize multiple work locations and working while travelling is commonplace now. The 2021 Telework Agreement goal of reducing location barriers must be addressed.
7. Recurring telework schedules provide employees important rights. They must not be denied because of occasional on-site duties.
8. Statements added to individual telework agreements must respect employee rights.
9. To promote environmental benefits, sound leadership and workplace morale, managers should not have arbitrary limits on their ability to telework.