Force A University-Wide Curve or Make Exams Optional and More

North Carolina State University

In the morning of April 27th, 2023, North Carolina State University students were made aware of not just 1 but 2 deaths by suicide that occurred over night. This brings the total deaths by suicide on campus to 8 and the total student deaths to 13 in only a SINGLE SCHOOL YEAR.

In response, we DEMAND:

1. A curve on final exam grades or make them optional for folks that would like to take the exam and for those that are content with their grade as is.

2. Split DASA and establish a formal investigation into the College of Engineering, its class demands and faculty practices as most of the deaths by suicide have occurred in that college in specific, per the Department of Mental Health Initiative, established by the Student Government, and their final report.

3. Bring back the Reading Day that was replaced with a Wellness Day as that gives us less time to study for exams. Choose a different day for Wellness Day.

4. Starting in Fall of 2023 have embedded counselors in every college per the Student Mental Health Task Force report.

5. Keep publicly available tracking data on NC State's overall mental health with non-identifying information.

6. Provide financial assistance for students and staff for housing as well as food waivers.


Petition by
Raleigh, North Carolina

To: North Carolina State University
From: [Your Name]

I, as part of the NC State University community and beyond, demand that the University seek a universal, campus-wide curve of final exam grades or make them optional if students are content with their grades.

Additionally, I want our Reading Day to be brought back instead of it being replaced by a Wellness Day and put a Wellness Day on a day and way that does not induce more stress. I want more structured change per the Student Mental Health Task Force Final Report and Department of Mental Health Initiative Report. I want embedded counselors in every college and for mental health data to be tracked and be made public with non-identifying information.

Finally, but importantly, provide financial assistance for students and staff, specifically for housing and food waivers.