Donald Trump and ICE

President Trump recently announced he will end his family separation policy, but as of Thursday morning, his administration apparently has no plan to reunite the more than 2300 families already separated. His new policy is short on details and continues to promote the incarceration of children. This is unacceptable.

We demand that all families that have been separated be reunited. We do not believe in caging human beings for profit or placing children in tents. Every day that these children are being detained is causing them trauma. This needs to end NOW.

By signing this petition you are calling for an end to family separation at the border, an end to the practice of detaining immigrant children and refugees for profit, and greater immigrant justice. Join us today and share this petition with others in your community.


We will share any updates with you related to this effort. Thank you.

Petition by
UndocuMedia .
Los Angeles, California
Sponsored by
Compton, CA

To: Donald Trump and ICE
From: [Your Name]

We demand that the Trump administration stop separating families at the border and that those currently in detention be reunited immediately! We demand immigrant justice!