Fremont is for Everyone: support shelter for our unhoused neighbors

Mayor Mei and Fremont City Council

Fremont is considering a navigation center for homeless residents at the Niles Discovery Church. This would help Fremont neighbors currently living on the streets have access to the shelter and supportive resources they need to move from homelessness to stable housing.

Pushback from a group of neighbors has placed the navigation center in jeopardy. Sign this petition to support needed services for our unhoused neighbors and stand up for a welcoming, inclusive Fremont.

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To: Mayor Mei and Fremont City Council
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mayor Mei and the Fremont City Council,

We, the undersigned, are a coalition of concerned and passionate Fremont residents who SUPPORT the City’s efforts to place a Navigation Center at the Niles Discovery Church.


Our great City is facing a growing homeless epidemic, and we must act immediately and decisively to move individuals from homelessness to stable housing.

By helping homeless residents move from the streets into stable housing, this professionally-managed, 24/7 facility will greatly improve the health, safety and welfare of ALL Niles residents and residents of the Tri-Cities. Niles residents can expect to see a direct benefit as the Center will target and reduce the amount of visible homeless within the neighborhood.

The increase in Homelessness is a by-product of the current affordability crisis and is verging upon a humanitarian crisis. The Center will target vulnerable homeless persons, who may have chronic health conditions, be permanently disabled, and who may have been forced out of housing by rising rent costs. Others may be working homeless who may need subsidy assistance to get back into the housing market.

The failure to act will result in greater public costs due to increased demand upon emergency, psychiatric, medical services, and public assistance. Some individuals deal with chronic health issues, including mental health and chemical dependency.

Niles Discovery church has offered a viable location, and indicated they will be willing partner in the success of the Navigation center and sufficient funding is available to develop a Housing Navigation Center with an experience operator/service provider. The City of Fremont must act on this opportunity in a manner befitting the size of the crisis we face.


Our City is a recognized Bay Area Leader when it comes to scientific innovation, climate policy, and compassionate social values.

True leadership, however, is shown not in our words, but in our actions. We can show the world how a truly visionary City responds to the needs of our most marginalized neighbors. All of them deserve humane treatment and the needed assistance to become housed.

Therefore, we urge ALL our elected City Leaders to USE ANY MEANS NECESSARY to expedite the approval of this Facility.

Thank you.