Fully Fund Public Higher Education in Illinois
Governor Rauner and Cabinet, Senate President Cullerton, Speaker of the House Madigan, Senate, and House of Representatives

Illinois has gone more than a year without a state budget. This is hurting everyone, including students. It has been especially harmful to low-income and first-generation students who are often most unable to afford college. Illinois’ reliance on income, sales and other regressive taxes while giving tax breaks to corporations has played a huge part in creating this budget crisis. Virtually every public service, institution and program the people of Illinois rely on, including higher education, are at serious risk.
We are told that our state is broke. We are told that budget cuts are necessary to keep the state functioning. This is not true. There is more than enough money in the state of Illinois to fully fund all of its necessary social programs, but too much of that money is in the hands of the super rich--people like Rauner and his billionaire buddies--who for too long have gotten away with not paying their fair share.
We can fully fund education and all the other state services the people of Illinois need by closing corporate tax loopholes, passing the LaSalle Street Tax and implementing a graduated (progressive) income tax.
This petition is an important part of accomplishing these goals, but we will be taking further action beyond this as well. Stay tuned for updates! #ReclaimHigherEd
Governor Rauner and Cabinet, Senate President Cullerton, Speaker of the House Madigan, Senate, and House of Representatives
[Your Name]
We demand that our Illinois legislature and governor agree to:
1. Fully fund all public universities and colleges, including city and community colleges, and MAP grants.
2. Make public higher education free in Illinois, including free tuition and full subsidies based on need for housing, fees & books.
3. Pass Senate Bill 2196 (the Student ACCESS Bill), which would make all undocumented students who qualify for in-state tuition legally eligible for Illinois financial aid and scholarships.
We make these demands knowing that everyone deserves the right to an education, but also knowing that education is not an immediate path to financial stability. Therefore, we demand that higher education, as well as other services, programs, & infrastructure improvements people in Illinois need, be fully funded by these actions:
1. Passing HB106, creating a “LaSalle Street Tax”
2. Passing HB390, closing corporate tax loopholes
3. Implementing a progressive income tax