Fund 988 in Maryland

The Maryland General Assembly

To fully serve people in crisis, Maryland must take steps to make sure our statewide 988 line has the resources it needs. The MD988 Fund Campaign is working to secure dedicated funding to support the continuum of behavioral health crisis services to meet Maryland’s needs. Sign this petition to let your legislators know you support funding Maryland 988.

Petition by
Baltimore, United Kingdom

To: The Maryland General Assembly
From: [Your Name]

The undersigned organizations support:
1) establishing 988 as Maryland’s behavioral health crisis
hotline for mental health and substance use crises;
2) establishing a state fund to invest in 24/7 call centers,
mobile crisis teams, crisis stabilization centers, and related crisis response services; and
3) allocating an initial $10 million in 2022 to the fund to ensure that call centers are adequately staffed and available 24/7.