Fund Paid Family Leave TODAY

Council of the District of Columbia

Sign the petition and tell the Council to fully fund paid family leave now!

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To: Council of the District of Columbia
From: [Your Name]

We need the Council to fully fund paid family leave. No one should be forced to choose between making ends meet and caring for an ill parent or welcoming a new child into their family. Hard working families and small business owners cannot afford a delay.

We fought for two years to pass the Universal Paid Leave Act and it was approved by a super majority of the Council. Now that the program is law, it is their responsibility to see that it is fully funded.

Paid family will benefit 540,000 families across the District by providing up to eight weeks of paid parental leave, six weeks of paid family leave and two weeks of paid medical leave. Now more than ever, families need to know they will not be forced to choose between their job and their health.