Get Big Money Out of Chicago Elections!

Mayor Rahm Emanuel & Chicago City Council

The well-being of people, the needs of our communities and the health of our environment should be the top priority of our elected representatives. But the overwhelming influence of big money in politics – money from a handful of extremely wealthy individuals with ties to big corporations – ensures that our elected officials almost always put their interests ahead of ours.

It's time for Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago City Council to take action to limit the influence of big money in local politics.

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Chicago, IL

To: Mayor Rahm Emanuel & Chicago City Council
From: [Your Name]

I urge you to take this pledge to support fair elections in Chicago today!

"I believe the needs of constituents comes first, not the interests of big money donors.

I believe that the influx of big money in politics has distorted our democracy.

I believe that elected officials should spend time governing, and not chasing big dollar donors.

Therefore, I support a fair elections ordinance that:
1. Supports candidates with a meaningful match for small donations;
2. Limits the size of donations candidates can accept from individuals; and
3. Has safeguards to ensure public money will go to serious candidates.

I will support any ordinance or resolution that includes the criteria above."