Give Bellevue College Essential Workers Hazard Pay

Suzette Yaezenko, VP of HR at Bellevue Community College

We demand that Bellevue College do the right thing and compensate its essential workers fairly for the vital but dangerous work they are doing during this pandemic.

The workers now deemed "essential" are risking their lives, their health, and the health of their families to ensure this institution survives. These are caregivers, immigrants, mothers and fathers. Many are older and have underlying health conditions that put them at greater risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19.

They didn't sign up for this, yet they are showing up.

Add your name to the petition to tell the administration that Bellevue College isn’t Walmart or Amazon. This is a public institution with the stated mission of "strengthening the economic, social and cultural life of its diverse community."

To: Suzette Yaezenko, VP of HR at Bellevue Community College
From: [Your Name]

We demand that Bellevue College do the right thing and compensate its essential workers fairly for the vital but dangerous work they are doing during this pandemic.

They are caregivers, immigrants, mothers and fathers. They are struggling to make ends meet due to new childcare costs. They are risking their lives, their health, and the health of their families to ensure your institution survives.

They didn't sign up for this, but they are showing up.

As a public institution with the stated mission of "strengthening the economic, social and cultural life of its diverse community," Bellevue College can and should do better.

Please do the right thing and guarantee your essential workers hazard pay until normal operations are resumed.