Give media workers a voice in decisions about AI

Media & Entertainment Industry Employers

Join the Writers Guild of America East's efforts to create safeguards and standards to protect workers against the potential risks of artificial intelligence (AI).

AI doesn’t learn by magic or in a vacuum. It relies on the work — and the words — of humans to function. And like any technology, AI can cause harm when implemented without consideration of its impact on workers.

It’s simple: If AI needs to use our words, we deserve to have a say in how it’s used.

That’s why, while the media and entertainment industries are eager to deploy generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools far and wide, the WGAE is fighting for protections to ensure that workers aren’t left behind.

Add your name to the list of over 1,000 WGA members and media professionals calling for employers to protect their workers from exploitation by AI.

To: Media & Entertainment Industry Employers
From: [Your Name]

We, the members and supporters of the Writers Guild of America East, recognize that digital media companies are eager to deploy generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools throughout our industry.

We recognize there are ways AI can support our work — but we also know that this technology can introduce factual errors, perpetuate racist biases, compromise data privacy, and diminish our readers’ trust. We’ve already seen publications make embarrassing fumbles by rushing out AI-generated content, resulting in widespread reputational harm and reader mistrust.

We, the workers who create the stories, art, videos and podcasts our audiences love, are uniquely positioned to help identify beneficial uses of generative AI in our industry and flag potential problems.

In the spirit of working collaboratively to preserve the journalistic integrity of our work, we call on our employers to:
— Work collaboratively with us, the workers, before implementing AI tools in our workplaces. Commit to discussing new and emerging technologies with workers to ensure they're applied in ethical and equitable ways.

— Publicly commit to never replacing a human worker with an AI tool, a promise that would help restore trust with both workers who feel threatened by the emergence of AI in their workplaces and readers who feel uneasy about AI-produced content.

— Engage in immediate, good faith negotiations on AI outside of scheduled contract bargaining AND a guarantee that AI protections will be on the table in future bargaining.