Gov. Rauner: Sign The $15 Minimum Wage!

Bruce Rauner

After months of organizing and lobbying, Senate Bill 81 — which will raise the minimum wage to $15/hr in Illinois — passed both chambers of the Illinois legislature in late May.

The bill's on Governor Rauner's desk, and he has 60 days to sign or veto it. We need to let him know that he must listen to us, the people of this state. He must stand up for us. He must fight for us, not for his CEO friends.

We demand that Governor Rauner sign SB 81 and raise the minimum wage.

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To: Bruce Rauner
From: [Your Name]

Senate Bill 81 has passed out of both chambers of the state legislature. It's on your desk. We demand that you side with the 2.3 million Illinoisans who need a raise, and with the overwhelming majority of the electorate that supports this measure. Sign SB 81 and raise the wage!