Governor Kotek and Oregon Legislators: Stop Factory Farms
Governor Kotek and Oregon Legislators
On June 27th, 2018 Oregon Department of Agriculture finally revoked mega dairy Lost Valley Farm’s permit after it racked up over 200 permit violations. Now six years later, the Stand Up to Factory Farms Coalition is marking the anniversary of that victory with a Week of Action to send the message to Governor Kotek and Oregon legislators that more action is still needed to protect Oregon’s communities, environment, family-scale farmers, farm workers, and animals from factory farming. We need to stop factory farms in Oregon.
In the six years since the Lost Valley Farm closed, Oregonians have fought back against the facility reopening as the Easterday Dairy, against three proposed Foster Farms mega-chicken factory farms in Linn county, and worked hard to pass a factory farm regulatory bill in the 2023 session. The message to our elected officials is loud and clear: we do not want this harmful industry in Oregon.
Help us collect petition signatures to deliver to Governor Kotek on Friday June 28th!
Governor Kotek and Oregon Legislators
[Your Name]
I urge you to stop factory farms in Oregon. Factory farms fuel climate change, cause water and air pollution, drain scarce water supplies, exploit workers, harm the welfare of animals, and push family farms out of business. We must stop new and expanding factory farms in Oregon in order to build a vibrant sustainable local food system.