Governor Newsom: Stop Big Oil From #FuelingTheFlames of CA's Climate Crisis

Governor Gavin Newsom

Urge Gov. Newsom to Stop Big Oil from #FuelingTheFlames

Tell Gov. Newsom: Stand Up to Big Oil & Stop #FuelingTheFllames of Climate Crisis.

Californians are on the front lines of the climate crisis. Yet, the fossil fuel industry continues to fuel the flames by drilling for more oil and gas — we need Governor Newsom to take immediate action and stop issuing permits for Big Oil to drill for climate and health-harming fossil fuels — starting with those near neighborhoods.
Sign the petition and tweet at Governor Newsom today to urge him to stand up to Big Oil by taking the following actions:
  • STOP issuing new permits for fossil fuel projects
  • DROP existing oil and gas production and enact a just and equitable transition that protects workers, communities, and economies.
  • ROLL out a 2,500-foot buffer to protect communities living near oil wells

Governor Newsom can be the climate leader we all need — but nothing short of phasing out fossil fuels, dismantling environmental racism, and investing in workers and communities will provide us with a livable future.

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Los Angeles, CA

To: Governor Gavin Newsom
From: [Your Name]

Dear Governor Gavin Newsom,

I urge you to immediately stop issuing new oil and gas permits and begin phasing out fossil fuels in California.

As you have said, the horrific fires that have ravaged our state are fueled by climate change, which has made them more severe and more intense. Nevertheless, you have issued over 1,019 fossil fuel permits so far in 2021. If we are to avert the most catastrophic climate damages, the vast majority of fossil fuels have to stay in the ground. But you have allowed oil companies to do just the opposite.

These fossil fuel permits have been handed out in the middle of a deadly pandemic, despite research showing that people living in areas with worse air pollution are more likely to die from the coronavirus. In addition to the increased impact on at-risk communities during the pandemic, numerous studies show that fracking and drilling in California contribute to serious health problems such as underweight births, asthma, respiratory illnesses, and cancer.

For too long, oil and gas corporations have treated communities of color as sacrifice zones. Issuing more permits for fracking and drilling in these areas only reproduces the systemic racism you say you oppose.

As governor of a major world economy and one of the largest oil-producing states in the country, you have the power to change course and usher in a just and thriving future for all Californians. I'm urging you to live up to the promises you've made by using your executive authority to:

1. STOP issuing new permits for fossil fuel projects
2. DROP existing oil and gas production and enact a just and equitable transition that protects workers, communities, and economies.
3. ROLL out a 2,500-foot buffer to protect communities living near oil wells

Please stop Big Oil from fueling the climate crisis that is worsening wildfires.

Do the right thing and move forward with these changes today.