Grow the U.S. Bicycle Route System in Your State

State Departments of Transportation

The U.S. Bicycle Route System means more bike-friendly routing options to travel across town, across your state, and across the country. But some state departments of transportation don’t prioritize safe access for cyclists across their state.

Sign this petition today to tell your state department of transportation that you want them to develop and officially designate U.S. Bicycle Routes!

Each state has complete control over where - and whether - they designate a U.S. Bicycle Route. Which is why it’s important that they hear from you! The more a state department of transportation hears from its constituents, the more they have to recognize the demand for safe and connected bike travel routes across the state and country.

Thanks for taking action!

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To: State Departments of Transportation
From: [Your Name]

As a member of the bicycle travel community, I am calling on my state department of transportation to provide more bike-friendly access to cities, parks, and other destinations in our state by developing and designating U.S. Bicycle Routes.

The U.S. Bicycle Route System (USBRS) is a developing national network of bike routes connecting urban and rural communities via roads, trails, and other facilities appropriate for bicycle travel. Over 14,000 miles of routes have already been designated in 29 states and Washington, DC.

The USBRS builds broad support for good cycling conditions and increases the visibility of people traveling by bike, thus increasing overall safety for all road users. In addition, communities located along U.S. Bicycle Routes benefit through tourism and improved livability and health. As more people choose to travel by bike for health, work, and recreation purposes, it is unacceptable to delay the development of safe and connected bike infrastructure.

I ask you to invest in the well-being of our state and our communities by developing and designating U.S. Bicycle Routes.