Hazard Pay for Frontline Grocery and Drug Retail Workers

Los Angeles City Council

Hazard Pay (noun): extra money that someone is paid for doing work that is dangerous.

Grocery and drug retail workers deserve hazard pay for the risks they continue to take by clocking in at work. Despite their record profits, several grocery retail companies quietly let the hazard pay they once offered at the start of the pandemic expire. Although COVID rates continue to soar and Intensive Care Unit capacities are at a breaking point, our grocery and drug retail stores remain open for business, in order to provide essential, life saving resources for our communities.

Grocery and drug retail workers continue to face hazardous conditions at work. They deserve hazard pay for hazardous work. Please sign and share our petition to make hazard pay a reality for grocery and drug retail workers in Los Angeles!
Petition by

To: Los Angeles City Council
From: [Your Name]

Grocery and drug retail workers have put their health on line to keep Los Angeles families connected to the food and supplies they need, yet are not being provided hazard pay. Many frontline workers have become the primary earners in their households as families struggle under the combined weight of COVID-19 and widespread unemployment. Working Angelenos, especially families of color, have not been able to shelter in place throughout the pandemic as they are more likely to hold essential jobs and face an increased exposure to the virus.

Grocery and drug retail workers across the city of Los Angeles have been calling on grocery retail corporations to reinstate hazard pay as companies see record profits. Major grocers quietly let the hazard pay they once offered at the start of the pandemic expire, yet workers continue to face hazardous working conditions in order to provide life saving resources.

L.A.'s essential workers have supported us throughout the pandemic and now it's time for our city to support them. That's why we're calling on the Los Angeles City Council to establish an emergency, temporary ordinance of $5.00 hazard pay for grocery workers in the City of Los Angeles.

This is the right policy for this unprecedented moment. Los Angeles must lead as it always has in fighting for the rights and dignity of working people.