Help Ensure Nursing Home Reforms Benefit Frontline Workers

Nursing Home Employers

What is WQIP?

The Workforce & Quality Incentive Program (WQIP) offers funding incentives to Skilled Nursing Facilities that improve the quality of care, advance equity in healthcare outcomes, and invest in workers.

Why is WQIP important?

These new incentives encourage nursing home operators to maintain safe staffing in their facilities. Safe staffing improves the quality of care for residents, healthcare outcomes, and working conditions for workers.

What can you do?

Through WQIP incentives, millions of state funding dollars will be available for our employers. As nursing home workers, we are dedicated to improving the quality of care for our residents. That’s why we need to make sure funding our employers receive from WQIP is invested in the quality of our jobs and working conditions.

By signing this petition, you can send a clear message: nursing home operators must do everything they can to qualify for these incentives, and frontline workers deserve a fair share of the funding!

Sign this petition to ensure WQIP payments benefit nursing home workers and rewards our efforts to providing quality care for our residents.

Click here to learn more about how WQIP can help improve our jobs!

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Los Angeles, CA

To: Nursing Home Employers
From: [Your Name]

As nursing home workers, we work hard everyday to deliver competent and compassionate care to every resident in our facilities.

The new Workforce & Quality Incentives Program (WQIP) provides funding incentives to skilled nursing facilities that improve quality of care, advance equity in healthcare outcomes, and invest in the workforce.

Frontline workers like me help facilities quality for these incentives. A facility cannot qualify for WQIP funding without the participation and diligence of it’s staff.

That’s why I urge you to provide a fair share of WQIP incentive payments to workers. Investing this funding in our workforce will aid recruitment, increase retention, and improve the quality of our jobs and lives.

The improvements we’ve already implemented in our industry are a testament to the potential of our collaboration. Together, we can guarantee all Californians can access to quality long-term care.