Hillary: take executive action in the first 100 days!

Hillary Clinton

Context: Hillary Clinton is the presidential nominee for the Democratic party. As President Obama’s administration comes to a close, he is leaving behind a legacy of almost 3 million deportations, the highest any president has executed

In her first 100 days as President, Clinton said that she would introduce a “comprehensive immigration reform” bill. We’ve been here before, and relief for our communities cannot wait. Clinton would have the power to protect millions of undocumented immigrants by using her executive authority in the first 100 days in office.

These executive actions must reject policies that criminalize and deport our black, brown, Muslim, trans and queer + communities.

Goal: Get Clinton to commit to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation using her executive power during her first 100 days as president.

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Washington, DC

To: Hillary Clinton
From: [Your Name]

To Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton,

We, the undersigned, demand that you commit to taking action on immigration using your executive action by issuing affirmative relief to millions of undocumented immigrants in this country.

Executive actions should reject policies that criminalize and deport people.

We demand that this be done within the first 100 days of assuming the presidency, should you win this November.