HIV Is a Medical Condition, Not a Crime. STOP HIV Criminalization Laws in Pennsylvania!

PA Rep. Dom Costa and PA House Judiciary Committee

Dear Pennsylvania Community Members, Colleagues & Supporters:

We, the Positive Women’s Network-USA Pennsylvania Chapter, oppose all forms of criminalization against people living with HIV in our communities, including those who are currently incarcerated.

Two current PA House Bills, HB 305 & 306, if passed, will expand the current laws criminalizing people living with HIV or suspected of having HIV within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Please sign this petition to express your opposition to PA House Bills 305 & 306.

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To: PA Rep. Dom Costa and PA House Judiciary Committee
From: [Your Name]

Pennsylvania House Bills PA-HB 305 and PA-HB 306, if passed, will expand the current laws criminalizing people living with HIV or suspected of having HIV within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. HIV is a medical condition, not a crime. Laws criminalizing perceived HIV exposure are extremely damaging to efforts at prevention and treatment, are stigmatizing to people living with HIV, and violate the human rights of people living with HIV.

Our communities stand united as Pennsylvanians in our view that criminalization of people living with HIV is wrong. We, the Positive Women’s Network-USA Pennsylvania Chapter and allies, oppose all forms of criminalization against people living with HIV in our communities, including those who are currently incarcerated.

We urge you to reject HB 305 and HB 306.