Hold Wall Street accountable by prosecuting the bankers who destroyed our economy.

President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder

The devastation wrought by Wall Street bankers that cost our economy $12.8 trillion can’t be resolved until justice is delivered to the millions who have suffered as a result of the financial crisis. Rather than open prosecutions against those responsible, US Attorney General Eric Holder admitted on Wednesday, March 6th, that he thought "too big to fail" also means "Too Big to Jail" which is why not one banker has been prosecuted for helping bring down the world's economy. Meanwhile homeowners and communities are still suffering from Wall Street’s foreclosure crisis.

The week of May 18-25th is when we fight back. The Campaign for a Fair Settlement is partnering with the Home Defenders League to support the Justice for Justice Week of Action, when hundreds of homeowners, foreclosure victims and allies will converge on DC and engage in dramatic action at the Department of Justice, holding the Obama Administration accountable for not being willing to jail any bankers. Directly affected people are planning a host of powerful events for the entire week. We are lending our support to make sure this event is as powerful as possible, and are asking you to join us to make sure our voices are heard.

Sign here to support the 200 Home Defenders who will be taking Justice to Justice during the week of May 18-25.

Petition by
Austin, Texas
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To: President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder
From: [Your Name]

I support the Home Defenders who will converge on DC during the May 18-25 Week of Action to tell Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama to hold Wall Street accountable for their crimes!