Houston Mayor: Protect Immigrant Communities Now!

Houston Mayor Turner

To our immigrant community, women, people of color, and to people of conscience across the Houston area,

Houston's Mayor and city council have failed in their duty to protect our immigrant community. We have marched, rallied, and spoke out at city council and at town halls. But still our leaders fail to act.

We spoke out against recent hate-filled attacks to our community fueled by executive orders, bans, and one of the most discriminatory and morally bankrupt Texas Legislative sessions in recent history. Yet our leaders failed to act. Women, people of color, students, our LGBTQ+ community, and children and families have been attacked.

But our leaders in Houston still fail to act.

Please sign this petition to demand that the Mayor of Houston and the city council take action now to protect our community and provide equal safety and opportunity to all Houston residents.

In community and power,

Adonias Arevalo

Organizer, United We Dream Houston & Statewide Organizer, United We Dream, UndocuTexas campaign

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To: Houston Mayor Turner
From: [Your Name]

United We Dream Houston and partners have urged you to implement local policies to shield our immigrant and undocumented community from the aggressive attacks against us, and to hamper the mass deportation agenda of the current administration. The mayor asked for recommendations, and United We Dream Houston, along with contributors from across advocacy, criminal justice, and legal communities in Houston, provided those recommendations on January 20, 2017.

Yet you have still refused to act, even after you were provided over 100 pages of detailed plans for improving Houston for immigrants and refugees. *

You must back up your words with actions to protect our communities. Houston can be a welcoming city to immigrants. Houston can be a place where we have protection from the abuses of federal and state agencies.

We demand that you act to protect our communities immediately through the following:

1. Improve conditions in Houston for immigrants by IMPLEMENTING the recommendations provided by the Mayor’s Task Force on January 20, 2017
2. Keep families together by CEASING all collaboration with ICE
3. Work to prevent the impacts of SB 4 on the Houston immigrant community by ENTERING a lawsuit against the State in response to SB 4.

We are a city of immigrants, a city of refugees, a city that endures, and a city that shines bright against that which would seek to hold us or our neighbors back. We are one Houston, moving forward. If you are not with us, then you are against us.
