Howard University Demands Student Representation

Howard University Board of Trustees

On June 15, Howard University announced that it would be phasing out the role of "Affiliate Trustee" which gave trustee status to students, faculty, and alumni. In a video announcement from the Howard University Board of Trustees, Chairman Dr. Laurence C. Morse assured the community that the removal of the Affiliate Trustee was a good thing because it would allow for a "single unitary class of trustees." This means zero representation from faculty, alumni and the students. This decision does not rise to the standards of excellence, leadership, service and truth that has been instilled in countless Howard generations.

The Howard University Young Democratic Socialists of America Afro-Socialists (HUYDSA) fully denounces this action and demands that the Board of Trustees reverse this decision effective immediately.

Morse promised that the changes made to the governing body would "bring [the University] closer to our future," but how can it hope to do so without the voices of the very people they serve? Removing faculty, alumni, and most importantly, student voices from the University’s highest decision-making body is an affront to democratic principles and norms of university governing structures. As the cost of obtaining a higher education at Howard continues to rise, the many cases of student homelessness, and pulling funding or eliminating classes, majors and departments, it is imperative that the student voice is not muzzled or silenced. There can be no investment in Howard if that investment does not directly include students. WE are Howard University.

Faculty, alumni, and again, especially students deserve to be able to chart the future of our institution in a manner that is collaborative and that centers us all, not just a handful of board members. Howard University is better than this. Veritas et Utilitas. TRUTH AND SERVICE.

Help us get the message across to the board: We demand the reinstatement of full representation on the Board of Trustees!

Sign our Petition!

Howard University Young Democratic Socialists of America

To: Howard University Board of Trustees
From: [Your Name]

We the students, faculty, alumni, and supporters of Howard University demand that we have governance that is accountable and democratic. Removing the voices of the aforementioned groups is unacceptable and we demand a complete reversal of this harmful decision. Reinstate full representation of students, alumni and faculty on the Howard University Board of Trustees.