I Support Clean Energy Choice

City of Portsmouth

Portsmouth Citizens for Energy Choice supports the community choice aggregation initiative on the November 2nd ballot to enable citizens to choose to buy electricity from a power generator as a group, instead of as an individual.

“Yes For Clean Energy Choice” will allow the combined buying power of Portsmouth residents and businesses to help drive down the overall cost of electricity while supporting clean energy and energy efficiency goals.

The great thing is that nothing changes for residents or business owners, you will still pay your bill through AEP.  

You may be wondering, "What is Community Choice Aggregation?" Here is some additional information.

Community Choice Aggregation gives residents that live in the same city or municipality the power to purchase electricity from an electricity supplier as a group, instead of as an individual. It gives local residents a stronger voice and more choice in where their electricity comes from!

This is accomplished by cities, counties, townships, or villages putting an issue on the ballot and resident voting to create their own aggregation purchasing group. From there, the city issues requirements, priorities, and preferences to potential energy suppliers and then uses the group purchasing power to get the best deal for the entire community.

Learn more at powerportsmouth.org.

Petition by

To: City of Portsmouth
From: [Your Name]

As residents and small business owners in the City of Portsmouth, we are signing to show our support for Community Choice Aggregation and confirm that on November 2nd, we will be voting "Yes for Clean Energy Choice."

We believe in the future that is being built for Portsmouth and want to help ensure that our citizens, small business owners, and representatives have the power to make these important decisions.