I support Re-imagining Justice

Vermont Legislature

I want a criminal justice system that addresses interpersonal harm more constructively, prevents future crime, and builds healthier communities.

·         I want SAFER COMMUNITIES and less crime. We must prioritize prevention and healing over punishment.

·         I want EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL. We must ensure equal justice, regardless of race, income, or the county you live in.

·         I want my TAX DOLLARS SPENT EFFECTIVELY, to improve lives and communities. We must invest in jobs, not jails; treatment, not punishment; education, not incarceration.

I urge the LEGISLATURE to take immediate and significant steps to bring this about.

Petition by
Charlotte, Vermont

To: Vermont Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Vermont can spend much less on Corrections and more on prevention and come out ahead. There ARE realistic solutions, which advocates will present. Please make criminal justice reform a priority this legislative session.