Impeachment Trial: Let witnesses testify
Senate Republicans
If we don’t act now, Mitch McConnell and his Senate allies may rush through an acquittal for President Trump as soon as opening arguments and questioning have concluded.
That’s right: no additional evidence or witnesses, no due process -- just McConnell forcing through his predetermined outcome, constitutional obligations be damned.
If McConnell gets his way, the American people will never hear from high-level witnesses like Mick Mulvaney, or John Bolton -- who recently made the explosive allegation that President Trump told him he planned to delay aid to Ukraine until an investigation into the Bidens was launched.
Whether McConnell can get away with this affront to justice depends on this week’s key vote, when senators will decide if additional witnesses can be called. If that vote fails -- the next vote may be a party-line vote to acquit the president or dismiss the charges.
We can’t let that happen. The American people deserve a real trial -- and the only way we’ll get one is with a massive outcry directed at Republican senators. Add your name now to join the call -- ALL senators must vote to allow additional witnesses!
Senate Republicans
[Your Name]
Every U.S. senator has a constitutional duty to push for a fair and thorough impeachment trial. If Republican senators succumb to Mitch McConnell’s strong-arming and block witnesses from testifying -- they will deny the American people real answers and justice.