Impeachment Trial: Senators, do your job!

U.S. Senate

When everyday Americans head to work each day, we can’t just get up and leave whenever we want. We have a job to do -- and someone is holding us accountable, making sure that job gets done.

Shouldn’t senators -- who are elected to represent and serve us -- have to do their jobs like the rest of us?

As Trump’s historic impeachment trial unfolds in the Senate, many senators aren’t even bothering to show up. They’re taking long breaks in the middle of the day to call their donors or showboat for reporters -- and some have even left the Senate floor for the day before the trial has concluded.

Their refusal to do their job is an affront to our democracy -- and to their constituents. Our senators set the schedule for this trial themselves, and they’re wasting the public’s money by not sticking to it.

Right now, senators have a crucial constitutional duty to listen to evidence, weigh the facts, and make a decision to convict Trump or let him off the hook. That should be more important than getting good press or meeting with wealthy donors.

Add your name to tell the U.S. Senate: DO YOUR JOB! Your constituents are watching, so take the impeachment trial seriously -- and stay engaged in the proceedings.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Senate
From: [Your Name]

During President Trump’s impeachment trial, our senators have a constitutional duty to be focused, committed jurors -- and if they can’t uphold that duty, they are not fit to serve. Senators must stay in the room, listen intently, and give this historic trial the attention it deserves.