Increase Our Communities! Defund the Philly Police Budget!
Philadelphia City Council

To Philadelphia City Council:
We demand that there is no increase in the FY 2021 budget for the Philadelphia Police Department and that the police budget is reduced by 120 million dollars- the amount it has increased since Mayor Kenney took office.
After years of outcry over police getting a pass for violent acts and murders, we demand that the Philadelphia Police Department is dramatically reduced.
Mayor Kenney has put forward a budget that cuts almost $650 million from the programs that our city residents need to survive. We need to see the police budget reduced to the level it was at when he took office.
When the Department of Public Health is slated for an over $8 million cut during a global pandemic, when projects that put leaders of color on the street to stop violence are defunded, when Parks and Rec programs that save lives every summer are shuttered and face a $13 million cut, we demand a decrease for the Philadelphia Police Department.
At a time when our Public Defenders faces a huge cut, when our community colleges and libraries are getting cut $10 million each, we demand a decrease for the Philadelphia Police Department.
The programs that reduce violence in our neighborhoods are libraries, they are rec centers, they are the interlocking networks of care and support that are funded through our tax dollars and are animated independently by our communities.
We demand in this moment that we defund the police to make up for the shortfall of what truly keeps us safe. WE KEEP US SAFE!
The police have shown consistent disrespect for Black and Brown people. They have brutalized us in our neighborhoods and at protests for our lives and dignity. We do not need to supercharge their budget for more injustice.
Philadelphia City Council must reject this budget unless it removes the $120 million dollars from the current Philadelphia Police Department and instead fully funds resources to our libraries, our rec centers and our communities.
Increase US not the police!
Philadelphia City Council
[Your Name]
To Philadelphia City Council:
We demand that there is no increase in the FY 2021 budget for the Philadelphia Police Department. If a budget includes an increase for the Police and cuts for our community services, Council, you must reject it.
After years of outcry over police getting a pass for violent acts and murders, we demand no budget increases for the Philadelphia Police Department.
Mayor Kenney has put forward a budget that cuts almost $650 million from the programs that our city residents need to survive, while increasing the police budget by at least $14 million.
When the Department of Public Health is slated for an over $8 million cut during a global pandemic, when projects that put leaders of color on the street to stop violence are defunded, when Parks and Rec programs that save lives every summer are shuttered and face a $13 million cut, we demand no increase for the Philadelphia Police Department - and that you reject any budget that increases police funding and cuts the services our communities need.
At a time when our Public Defenders faces a huge cut, when our community colleges and libraries are getting cut $10 million each, we demand no increase for the Philadelphia Police Department.
The programs that reduce violence in our neighborhoods are libraries, they are rec centers, they are the interlocking networks of care and support that are funded through our tax dollars and are animated independently by our communities.
We demand in this moment that we defund the police to make up for the shortfall of what truly keep us safe. WE KEEP US SAFE!
The police have shown consistent disrespect for Black and Brown people. They have brutalized us in our neighborhoods and at protests for our lives and dignity. We do not need to supercharge their budget for more injustice.
Philadelphia City Council must reject this budget unless it removes the $14 million dollar increase allocated for the Philadelphia Police Department and instead fully funds resources to our libraries, our rec centers and our communities.
We plan to testify at the public hearing on June 9th on the urgency of this demand, and funding our communities. If those slots are already full, we also demand you open at least one, if not two, more public testimony hearings for our people to speak at this unprecedented time on these vital issues.
Increase US not the police!