Interfaith Letter of Support for UC Townhomes
Mayor Jim Kenney

September 18, 2022
Dear Mayor Kenney:
As faith leaders representing different denominations from across Philadelphia, we stand in solidarity with the brave residents and housing organizers fighting to save the UC Townhomes.
The University City Townhomes (3900-3999 Market St.), owned by Brett Altman and Altman Management/ IBID Associates, has provided low-income housing to more than 70 families for almost 40 years. In July 2021, Altman/IBID informed tenants that they would not be renewing their HUD contract and would instead be selling the property to a commercial developer, part of a nationwide trend of private landlords foregoing their HUD contracts. For the UC Townhomes, the owner has ordered all residents of the property, which operate under a HUD contract, to leave by Oct. 7* so he can raze the property and sell the land.
Instead of accepting this immoral action, residents are waging a historic fight, and earlier this month, they proposed a plan to purchase the 70 unit townhomes. The UC Townhomes Resident Council asked that the owner, Altman /IBID, sell the property to a third party that will maintain UC Townhomes as 100% affordable housing for very low-income seniors, families and residents. The resident-organizers are calling upon City and State officials to contribute money to preserve the property. Additionally, the residents continue to demand that the city take action on the dozens of expiring public housing contracts in West Philadelphia–and beyond, and commit to keep Section 8 properties 100%, deeply affordable.
As moral leaders and persons of faith, we believe that housing is a human right.
We support the residents' demand that the City take action to preserve low-income, subsidized housing at the UC Townhomes and throughout Philadelphia. We are calling on you, Mayor Kenney, to commit to a process that will save the UC Townhomes and keep seniors, persons with disabilities and residents in their homes, neighborhood, and community. We urge you to immediately meet with residents in person and rise to this challenge of stopping displacement and preserving deeply affordable housing.
* the owner has now extended this deadline to Dec. 27th.
Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari, Kol Tzedek Synagogue
Rev. Dr. Chris Kimmenez, Healing Communities, PA
Rev. Jeffrey H. Jordan, Whosever MCC
Rev. Nicolas O’Rourke, Living Water United Church of Christ
Rabbi Michael Pollack, March On Harrisburg
Rev. Robert G. Coombe, First United Methodist Church of Germantown
Rev. Tim Emmett-Rardin, Calvary United Methodist Church
Rev. Joe Williams, Mt. Airy United Fellowship Church
Rev. Greg Holston
Rabbi Linda Potemken, Congregation Beth Israel of Media
Rabbi Margot Stein, Mishkan Shalom
Rabbi Michelle Greenfield, Kol Tzedek Synagogue
Rabbi Nathan Martin
Rabbi Shawn Zevit, Mishkan Shalom
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Ph.D., The Shalom Center
Dr. Koach Baruch Frazier, Kol Tzedek
Rabbi Bronwen Mullin, SVARA
Rabbi DAYLE FRIEDMAN, Germantown Jewish Centre
Rabbi Julie Greenberg, Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir~Heart of the City
Rabbi Mónica Gomery, Kol Tzedek Synagogue
Cantor Jessi Roemer
Rabbi Myriam Klotz, Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Rabbi Alissa Wise
Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, Reconstructing Judaism
Rabbi Abi Weber, Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel
Rabbi Linda Holtzman, Tikkun Olam Chavurah
Rev. Paula Burnett, Recovery Christian Center UCDC
Rabbi Micah Weiss, Reconstructing Judaism
Rev Jay Bergen, Germantown Mennonite Church
Rev. Anne Cormier, Open Table, United Church of Christ
Rabbi Yael Levy
Rabbi George Stern, Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Rev David Reppert, Emanuel United Church of Christ
Sr. Betty McVeigh, Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia
Suzanne Gallagher, Sister of Mercy of the Americas - Justice Office
Sister Kathleen McManus, Sister of Mercy
Sister Karen Scheer, RSM, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Kate O'Donnell OSF, Sisters, St. Francis of Philadelphia
Sister Honora Nicholson, Sisters of Mercy
Suellen Snapp, St. John's Episcopal
Sister Colleen Dauerbach SSJ, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
Sister Elizabeth Gallagher, Sisters of Mercy
Rabbi David Teutsch, Germantown Jewish Centre
Rabbi Debrah Cohen
Sister Jean Strawbridge RSM, St Margaret Parish
Rev. Katie E Aikins, Tabernacle United Church
Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, POWER
Pastor Daniel Eisenberg, Saint John's Lutheran Mayfair
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Mayor Jim Kenney
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We support the residents' demand that the City take action to preserve low-income, subsidized housing at the UC Townhomes and throughout Philadelphia. We are calling on you, Mayor Kenney, to commit to a process that will save the UC Townhomes and keep seniors, persons with disabilities and residents in their homes, neighborhood, and community. We urge you to immediately meet with residents in person and rise to this challenge of stopping displacement and preserving deeply affordable housing.